Winter's really
We got hit by more snow on Wednesday. So Thursday morning I was out shovelling snow as I had an appointment to get to, to check on an eye infection I have been battling for a couple of weeks. About half way through the chore, I snapped the shovel. So by my calculations, that clearly means winter is over.
I got to my appointment on time and the optometrist wanted me to continue taking the drops he gave me a week ago and to also see my doctor to get some anti-biotic. The infection I have is under the eyelid and looks and feels like a little pea is stuck in the lid. The drops should have loosened and reduced the size of it but they haven't done so to the point that the optometrist wanted so he recommended the anti-biotic. But since he isn't an MD he can't write a prescription and I had to make an appointment with my doctor. The doctor was reluctant to prescribe the anti-biotic and started going on about how these things usually clear up on their own and that he could refer me to a specialist but that would take time...blah, blah, blah. So I finally asked if the anti-biotic would cause me any harm. The answer was no. I then told him that the optometrist saw my eye a week ago so he knows how bad it was and that the drops have made an improvement but mostly to the extent that the external part of the lid looks clean and un-infected. But if someone (the optometrist) who sees these kinds of things on probably close to a daily basis thinks the next step in treatment is an anti-biotic then that is probably the best plan of attack. I got the prescription.
Then he takes my blood pressure and it's high. I have to go see him again in a couple of weeks with a list of blood pressure readings from one of those drugstore machines. Great. I am so NOT looking forward to that.
Now carry on about your business. Oh and Happy Easter to those that celebrate it.