Terrorists have no rules
I have changed my position somewhat on this whole middle-east mess. I originally was feeling very bad for the innocent civilians caught in the cross-fire between Hezbollah and Israel. And I still do. But where I have changed is in my feelings that Israel should back off. They should not.
If you follow the rule of not negotiating with terrorists, then Israel has little option but to destroy the threat. A softening of Israel's attacks would only give the Hezbollah terrorists an opportunity to regroup for later. Fighting terrorists is like fighting an infection. You need to administer the anti-biotic until the infection is dead and gone or else the infection grows stronger and more resilient against the medicine. The Hezbollah terrorists would use any lull in the attacks to figure out a way to come back stronger and with more determination. Israel, and any country that truly despises the spread of terror, needs to continue the battle against those that spread fear and lies around the world.
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