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Monday, January 24, 2005

It was there a second ago

Busy weekend. I spent the weekend at a high school gym attending a basketball tournament for my nine year old daughter. No big deal but a major snow storm rolled in while we were there and I had to decide if I ought to brave the weather and drive home (about an hour away in normal weather) or get a hotel room and spend the night. I decided things weren't all that bad so I started home.

Just about half way I entered the brunt of the storm. It was the first time I had ever been out in what was literally zero visibility. I could not see the front of my car far less the car in front of me. I put on the hazard lights and tried to stay on the road. Traffic was moving on the single lane highway at about 25-30 km/h. I passed several cars in the ditch. I probably passed more that I wouldn't have even seen due to the waves of white outs. It wasn't safe to stop and pulling over was not any better of a notion. So I concentrated on the car in front of me and hoped he was able to lead the way.

Every time a white out wave came by I slowed down as did the guy in front. Then as it passed we continued. Except for one time. This one time the white out hit, I slowed down, the car in front disappeared. I kept creeping along thinking that I would see him any second. Then I thought that maybe he went right off the road and I didn't see it. Then I saw the shadow of his car right in front of me and I knew that despite my low speed I still might not be able to stop. I hit the brakes and started to slide. My only real option was to hit him flush on his bumper. Well nudge him actually. He started to move forward again just as I made contact. He just kept driving, about another half kilometer and then pulled over. Fortunately, there was no damage. I eventually made it home.

Next time my wife calls me and suggests I ought to spend the night somewhere due to weather at home, I now have a point of reference for asking "How bad is it?" If the answer is, "As bad as January 22, 2005" then I know to stay in the hotel.

Monday, January 17, 2005


If you have Half-Life 2 and you like to create things you should check out a mod called Garry's Mod. It allows you to use pretty much everything in the game and place it wherever you want. You can use this to just play with the game engine's physics or pose the elements into weird and wonderful scenes.

Alyx does it Matrix style

Posted by Hello

It's free so check it out at Garry's Mod.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

There is more to life...

According to this article gamers don't fit the gamer stereotype. You know, gamers are geeky, socially inept, overweight and satan worshippers (okay I exaggerate..maybe that's another trait). But the article claims gamers are pretty well rounded folk (not necessarily rounded physically).
According to a survey conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates, computer and video game players spend more than three times the amount of time exercising or playing sports, volunteering in the community, reading, or engaging in religious, creative, and cultural activities than they do playing video games. In total, gamers spend 23.4 hours per week on these activities, compared to 6.8 hours per week playing games. Avid gamers -- those who play games 11 or more hours per week -- spend 34.5 hours per week on the activities mentioned above.

See? Balance is good and gaming is part of the balance in life. Now excuse me while I exercise my fingers and play a game.