Anyone watch
The Apprentice? I might have watched a couple of last season's shows so it isn't a complete mystery to me but last night's episode was just strange.
This episode showed the two teams selling ice cream on the streets of New York.
The team that lost would lose a member as The Donald gets to say his "You're fired" bit and the winners get a reward; in this case a dinner of champagne and caviar. One of the members of the losing team was exempt from being fired because he had been the project leader the last time the team had won. In a moment of bravado, Bradford (the exempt one) decided to stand in the trenches with his troops and say he felt that he should wave his immunity from being fired. Kind of a cocky move. But based on his performance of the task he was a major contributor to the success the team did have. But his ego and cockiness bit him in the ass. The Donald said it was a stupid move to open himself up as a target. Ivana, the project manager obliged the gesture and brought him to the chopping block with her.
But the show lost a ton of credibility in my eyes. For The Donald to fire a guy he admits was the best candidate in the room means that he looks at it more as a game than a real business decision. Bradford's only flaw was having a big ego and cockiness that rivaled The Donald's. If Trump was a real leader and smart businessman, he should have found a way to harness that quality and make it work for him. Ego and cockiness breeds confidence. Confidence that can be backed up is so important to success and Bradford had so far demonstrated that he could back up his cockiness. Trump pulled the rug out from under him. I think Trump did it more so to humble him than to make the best business decision. I mean, c'mon, the project manager, Ivana, clearly was the weak link in the task and the main reason the team failed. Kicking Bradford out seriously handicaps the whole team especially in light that Ivana is a weak leader (although she probably won't be a leader again) and the other candidate on the block, Stacie J. does not seem to get along with anybody else on the team. They are now a very disfunctional group.
It did make for some pretty jaw-dropping TV though. Everyone was so stunned and Ivana will clearly have a big target on her if their team loses again.
..and now for something completely different...
Bed time at our house and the kids run upstairs. They call down to us and say, "Come find us...we're hiding."
So we go upstairs and notice that there are several things normally in the linen closet that are no longer in the closet. Now, I think early Alzheimer's is setting in because I don't think either my wife or me actually remembered that the kids had informed us they were hiding. So my wife starts into a rant about "Why are the towels and the blankets in the hallway?" in a tone the kids know as the voice of the mother who knows you did wrong and you better come fix the wrong right now!
Suddenly out of the linen closet comes my daughter's angelic voice kind of singing, "We are upstair-airs...hi-iding."
I thought it was pretty funny. It kind of reminded me of the "How not to be seen" skit by Monty Python where people are hiding behind bushes and such and the narrator asks them to show where they are and when they do they promptly get shot.