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Thursday, November 04, 2004

Sadly, I am a pig

Pigs are strange animals. Apparently they are smart. You can train pigs to do lots of stuff. I wonder if I could train one to clean my office?

As I look around my office, I realize I am a pig. Not the filthy kind, but the untidy, too lazy to put stuff away kind. I have papers on my desk dating from 2002. Papers that ought to be filed away. Do you think I will take the 2 minutes it would take to read the paper, decide on its content and subsequent proper filing location? No, not this little swine.

My mess is ok I guess. I can dislike it but I can deal with it even though I don't do anything with it. I can categorize my untidiness and be at peace with it. But as I look around my office some more, I notice some other things. Things that are not mine. Things my wife has left on my desk. Or things that the kids have left on the floor. So why does that mess, really tick me off? Is my mess somehow superior to the mess of my family? Are all messes not created equal?

I am a pig and a mess bigot. I wonder if there is a 12-step program for that?